255: How I Run a Multiple-Six Figure/Year Business Working Part-Time as a Mom (+ Challenging the 40-Hour Workweek!)

Published: Feb. 20, 2024, 11 a.m.


I posted a reel on Instagram all about a week in the life with my schedule in the last year and a half as a working mom who owns a business but works part-time from home. Today, I want to expand on what I explain in that very short 90-second clip to tell you more of the nitty-gritty details about what my week is like running my business, taking care of my son, recording this being very pregnant, and how my team and my husband fit into this.

We have had three days of childcare since November of 2022 and that\\u2019s been working well for us. Before that, we had no childcare at all. I know I\\u2019ve been asked questions about it so today I want to talk about my work week, what it looks like running a multiple six-figure-year business on part-time hours while I work from home without full-time childcare. And we're also going to talk about that \\u201c40 hour work week\\u201d and some mindset stuff around that.

In this episode, we are covering:

  • Where the idea of a \\u201c40-hour workweek\\u201d even comes from and why entrepreneurs who have \\u201cditched the 9-5\\u201d still follow it [6:04]
  • Why I don\\u2019t feel like I run my business \\u201cpart-time\\u201d but I DO only work part-time hours [9:53]
  • An EXACT BTS of my weekly schedule with only 3 days/week of childcare [12:13]
  • 6 tips or things to consider if you want more \\u201clife\\u201d in your work-life balance [30:16]

I want this episode to show you what has been possible for me and what I believe is possible for you too! Stay tuned for more BTS episodes coming soon!

Links mentioned:

- Read the full show notes: https://elizabethmccravy.com/255\\xa0

- Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/ \\xa0

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