225: Creating 30 Days of Content in 5 Days: How to Get Out of the Feast or Famine Marketing Cycle Youre Stuck in with Amanda Warfield

Published: Aug. 1, 2023, 6 a.m.


In this episode, I got to sit down with Amanda Warfield of Chasing Simple, a simplicity-focused content marketing expert and launch strategist. Amanda helps her clients and students simplify their marketing efforts, allowing them to find the time to market their businesses without being overwhelmed. I was thrilled to have her on the podcast today!\\xa0

In this episode, we dive deep into the concept of "Feast or Famine Marketing" and how content marketing plays a crucial role in breaking free from this cycle. Some of the highlights include:


  • How can we decide how much content is \\u201cenough\\u201d?

  • How important is consistency, really?

  • A simple 5 day process to batching a month\\u2019s worth of content

  • What people get wrong about \\u201cbatching\\u201d

  • How to get out of creative ruts


And honestly - so much more! If you\\u2019ve been falling into the feast or famine marketing cycle (where you only have time to market when you have no clients!), you are going to love her fresh approach. This has been one of my favorite interviews so far! Make sure to tune in, and grab your own copy of Amanda\\u2019s new book - Chasing Simple Marketing - over on Amazon!


Links Mentioned:

Get the Full Shownotes: https://elizabethmccravy.com/225

Watch the Full Video on YouTube:\\xa0https://youtu.be/gxDTNU2YEoM

Buy Amanda\\u2019s Book - Chasing Simple Marketing: https://rstyle.me/+-oKC9t3TCKpe11pArIujQQ\\xa0

Listen to Elizabeth\\u2019s Interview on Amanda\\u2019s Podcast (Chasing Simple): https://amandawarfield.com/029/\\xa0

Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram: https://instagram.com/elizabethmccravy

Connect with Amanda on Instagram: https://instagram.com/mrsamandawarfield\\xa0

Find more about Amanda: https://amandawarfield.com/\\xa0

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