213: 3 Things I Want to Tell All the Mamas This Mother's Day (Encouragement Pep Talk!)

Published: May 9, 2023, 11 a.m.


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Happy almost Mother\\u2019s Day, friends! And even if you\\u2019re listening to this at a later date, happy day of being a mom to you! Being a mama is the best job in the world, and it\\u2019s a hard one too. I\\u2019ve had a note on my phone with this podcast idea for quite some time, and I\\u2019m excited to bring it to you now. Whether you\\u2019re a stay at home mom, a working outside of the home mom, a business owning mom, or a combination of it all, there\\u2019s something here for you.\\xa0


I know many of you listening are farther along in the motherhood journey than me. Maybe you have older kids, multiple kids, a different family situation\\u2026 Whatever the case, you might have a TOTALLY different perspective than me, and that is fine! I\\u2019m speaking here from my perspective being the mom of a toddler and a business owner.\\xa0


In this episode, I\\u2019m giving you 3 major words of encouragement from my home to yours this Mother\\u2019s Day, and I pray these meet you where you\\u2019re at! You\\u2019ll also hear from another podcast episode (yep, I\\u2019m playing an audio from an episode on a podcast I love) and I\\u2019ll be reading to you from a favorite motherhood book as well.\\xa0

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