202: Q&A with Elizabeth My Current Work Schedule, Best Blogging Tip, Long Term Business Vision, Mom Guilt, Where My Customers Come From, and So Much More!

Published: Feb. 21, 2023, noon


In my 2022 end-of-year survey, I gave you the option to ask me ANYTHING\\u2026 and today\\u2019s episode is just a taste of the (over 150!) questions that came in. In no particular order, I\\u2019m tackling 11 of my favorite \\u201cask me anything\\u201d questions today, including:\\xa0

  • What's the worst thing about your career? (I share THREE things I could live without!)
  • What are the tiny secrets to blogging - things nobody ever talks about?
  • What are the top books I\\u2019ve read this year so far?\\xa0
  • Where do you see yourself (professionally) when Colin is 18? What are some of the big dreams you have for yourself and your business?
  • Where do most of your clients come from? Social, referrals, etc. and what is the one thing you do consistently that brings you the most business?
  • How is Colin's school going? How do you handle mom guilt/missing him?
  • What does work/life balance look like for me right now?
  • What do you do for workouts?\\xa0
  • Do you think you'll have any more kiddos? How will that impact the structure of your business?
  • What\\u2019s your favorite brand of jeans? (these ones are also linked below!)
  • Do you ever regret going into business for yourself?


As you can tell, things got both random and personal in a way I truly always love. Some of these were rapid-fire questions, and some of them I went quite deep on! I can\\u2019t wait for you to listen in and then tell me what you all think!\\xa0


Links mentioned in this episode:

- You can find the books I recommended here:\\xa0

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
