199: 4 Encouraging Bible Verses For When Business Feels Overwhelming and Uncertain

Published: Jan. 31, 2023, noon


Let\\u2019s all be honest: business can be really hard. Even after seven years in business, I still have plenty of hard days in my own business and days (or even just moments) where business feels overwhelming and uncertain. Today, I want to share with you 4 encouraging bible verses for when hard times come, and I hope that these will comfort you whether you are a Christian business owner or not. And, I\\u2019m not just reading the Bible verses, I\\u2019m talking through them with you as well to help you apply it to your life right now!\\xa0


If you have been struggling to guard your heart against negative thoughts or hurtful reviews, or you find yourself turning to Google before you turn to God, I want to encourage you to acknowledge what you are giving power to and why. With the second two scriptures, I want to encourage you to come back to God, seek him in all things, and to let go and rest. I know it can be hard sometimes.


In the annual survey I send out to listeners each year, many of you mentioned wanting more faith based content and I would love to hear what you think about this episode! Want more episodes like this? Did this speak to where you\\u2019re at right now with your business? DM me over on Instagram any time, and thank you again for tuning in! Make sure to come back next week for a very special - our 200th! - Breakthrough Brand podcast episode.


Links mentioned in this episode:\\xa0

- Get the blog version/full show notes for this episode: http://elizabethmccravy.com/199

- Scripture mentioned: Proverbs 4:23, Proverbs: 3:5-6, Matthew 11:28-29, Matthew 6:30-33

- Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0

- Shop Showit templates: https://elizabethmccravy.com/shop\\xa0

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