197: Exactly How Our Real Estate Business Did in 2022 (Financial Numbers, Investing Strategy, and Working Together in Marriage)

Published: Jan. 17, 2023, noon


When I surveyed you guys about what you want more of on the podcast in 2023, a resounding answer was investing, financial, and real estate investing content. NOW\\u2026 I\\u2019m not about to turn this into a real estate podcast, don\\u2019t worry. But, as someone who likes to share what\\u2019s working for me with you all, I love giving you a behind the scenes into what I do with the money that my business makes because I know this type of information can help you too.\\xa0

Whether or not you have real estate properties right now, this is for you. This is especially for you if this is a side business you\\u2019re interested in pursuing! I had Adam on the podcast last on episodes #134, #135, and #136, which was over 16 months ago! In those episodes, we talked about our real estate business and answered some of your questions. It was really fun and we\\u2019ve gotten great feedback from those episodes. Since then, we have more properties \\u2014 5 total, and we\\u2019ve learned a lot!\\xa0

Here\\u2019s what we\\u2019re covering today:

  • Breaking down the exact financial numbers on 3 of the properties (what we invested, the ROI, and cash that was made in 2022)... yes, all the details!\\xa0
  • Macroeconomics of real estate and the housing marketing right now\\xa0
  • Marriage and working together in a business like this\\xa0
  • How real estate can be a family business\\xa0
  • Unexpected costs involved that decrease your profits\\xa0
  • Advice if you\\u2019re struggling to invest in real estate\\xa0
  • And so much more!\\xa0

We joke that this was our business year end meeting that you get to sit in on because it truly felt that way! I hope you enjoy it, and come back next week where we\\u2019ll be sharing what we know now that we wish we knew when we first started our real estate business.\\xa0

Links mentioned in this episode:

- Previous Real Estate episodes:

#134 - Real Estate Biz Q&A \\u2013 Part 1: How We Got Started In Investing, Buying In A Seller\\u2019s Market, Working With Your Spouse: https://elizabethmccravy.com/134\\xa0

#135 - Real Estate Biz Q&A \\u2013 Part 2: How Much $$ Do You Need, Screening Tenants, Management Companies, Buying Multiple Properties At Once, And Financing: https://elizabethmccravy.com/135\\xa0

#136 Real Estate Biz Q&A \\u2013 Part 3: Strategies For Getting Started, Other Ways To Invest Your Money, How To List Your Properties, And The Challenges We\\u2019ve Experienced Along The Way: https://elizabethmccravy.com/136\\xa0

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
