193: How to Get Paid to Teach What You Know with Laylee Emadi Smith

Published: Dec. 13, 2022, noon


I\\u2019m chatting today with fellow educator and podcaster, Laylee Emadi! She\\u2019s the host of the So, Here\\u2019s the Thing Podcast and the founder of The Creative Educator Academy. I personally really enjoy her podcast, and I was a guest a few months ago. (Links below to that conversation - it was episode #108 on her podcast!)\\xa0


This interview is so insightful if you are someone who has ever wanted to get into education as a business owner. Whether that is education like speaking at events or being interviewed on podcasts OR things like educational offerings within your business, like courses.\\xa0


We talk about things like\\u2026\\xa0

- Being a multi passionate business owner

- How to pitch yourself for conferences

- How to get started as an educator

- Do\\u2019s and don\\u2019ts of online courses\\xa0

-\\xa0 How to create whitespace in your business

- Laylee\\u2019s unpopular business opinions\\xa0

And so much more!\\xa0


Links mentioned in this episode:\\xa0

- Get the full show notes for this episode: https://elizabethmccravy.com/191\\xa0

- Check out Booked Out Designer: http://elizabethmccravy.com/BOD\\xa0

- Connect with Elizabeth on her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0

- Connect with Laylee on her Instagram: https://instagram.com/laylee_emadi/\\xa0

- Connect with Laylee on her website: https://layleeemadi.com/\\xa0

- Hear me on Laylee\\u2019s Podcast \\u201cSo, Here\\u2019s the Thing\\u201d episode #108 - Blog Post\\xa0 |\\xa0 Apple Podcasts\\xa0 |\\xa0 Spotify - We chat all about diversifying revenue streams in your business!\\xa0

- Details on The Creative Educator Conference: http://creativeeducatorconference.com/\\xa0

Thanks to our podcast sponsor, Haute Stock! Haute Stock is my favorite stock photo company, and I use their images ALL over my business. You can get 15% off your subscription with the referral code: ELIZABETH at checkout or by visiting this link: https://elizabethmccravy.com/hautestock \\xa0
