191: The Most Wonderful Time of Year: How to Actually REST This Christmas Season as a Business Owner (Taking Time Off, Holiday Bucket Lists, and Business Dreaming for 2023)

Published: Nov. 29, 2022, noon


Today\\u2019s episode is a fun friend-to-friend chat about Christmas, and I am certainly bringing the Christmas ENERGY in this episode. I\\u2019m totally a \\u201cChristmas person\\u201d and I start getting excited about Christmas in July typically (not kidding). But, let\\u2019s talk about the elephant in the room\\u2026 Resting and actually taking time off for the holidays doesn\\u2019t always come easy as business owners. There\\u2019s often a lot to do to \\u201cclose out the year\\u201d and at the same time you\\u2019re ready to dream about the next year in your business, PLUS you have the everyday to do\\u2019s of life to keep up with.\\xa0


That\\u2019s what we\\u2019re talking about today. I\\u2019m sharing with you:\\xa0

  1. My time-off and rest strategy for Christmas that I do basically every year, and how you can do this yourself as well! (We\\u2019re talking practical planning here!)\\xa0
  2. Holiday bucket list ideas for you to do to strengthen your faith and enjoy the month of December, even in its chaos.\\xa0
  3. Tradition ideas \\u2013 I\\u2019m totally a NEW mom, and I don\\u2019t have tons of traditions to share for with kiddos. But, I am sharing some traditions you could try with your spouse that we do and some family tradition ideas I love!\\xa0
  4. I\\u2019m sharing Advent resources, books, other podcast episodes, and things I think will help you out as you plan your own holiday season.\\xa0


So, that is our agenda. This is a GOOD EPISODE, if you often tell me that you wish I did more personal content \\u2013 this is it. I\\u2019m excited to chat. Go get a peppermint mocha, a sugar cookie latte, or some wine and let\\u2019s dive into it!\\xa0


Lots of links mentioned today that you can find below:

Get the full show notes at http://elizabethmccravy.com/191\\xa0

Shop website templates (today is the last day of Black Friday!): https://elizabethmccravy.com/shop\\xa0

Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0

Connect with me on my website: http://elizabethmccravy.com/\\xa0

Check out our sponsor, Haute Stock and save 15%: https://elizabethmccravy.com/hautestock\\xa0


Advent Devotionals To Check Out:

- The Dawning of Indestructible Joy by John Piper

- Unwrapping the Names of Jesus by Asheritah Ciuciu

- Come, Let Us Adore Him by Paul David Tripp\\xa0
