181: 2 MUST HAVE Contract Clauses For Designers (Shhh...These Special Clauses Will Help You Make More Money!)

Published: Oct. 18, 2022, 11 a.m.


CONTRACTS\\u2026OMG. Do they make your heart beat faster? Maybe you wrote yours yourself and that makes you nervous. Or, maybe your contract is so confusing that you yourself don\\u2019t even understand what you\\u2019re saying or how to enforce it if needed. Or, the worst\\u2026 maybe you don\\u2019t have a contract at all, and you\\u2019re just kinda hoping for the best. Wherever you are \\u2014 no shame. Seriously. But, I can tell you you need a contract that you understand, is comprehensive enough to protect you, and that is custom to your design business needs.\\xa0


In today's episode, I\\u2019m sharing 2 contract clauses in particular that designers need to have that are very specific to your design business. These are ones you might not think about until it\\u2019s \\u201ctoo late\\u201d and aren\\u2019t ones you see mentioned everyday. And even more specifically, these clauses relate to helping you make more money as a designer, which we all want, right?


Links mentioned in this episode:

- Get the full show notes at https://elizabethmccravy.com/181\\xa0

- Check out Booked Out Designer at https://elizabethmccravy.com/BOD\\xa0

- Get my FREE resource, How to Find Your 1st (or Next) Paying Design Client Asap, at https://elizabethmccravy.com/asap\\xa0

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
