180: How to Build a Design Business That Wont Drain You

Published: Oct. 11, 2022, 11 a.m.


Designer friends, this is for you! If you\\u2019re feeling drained by your business or wanting to AVOID feeling drained in your business, these strategies I\\u2019m sharing will help. I\\u2019m going to teach some mindset tips, some super practical working with client tips, and even some marketing and productivity tips that will help you not be drained (or at least not as drained) by your business because you\\u2019re focused on the right things. These 4 tips are all very particular things that have helped me in my business, some literally right now and others in past seasons of my business.\\xa0


If you\\u2019re not a designer, but work with clients in another way, listen up as well, there is plenty in this episode for you as a lot of what I\\u2019m sharing relates simply to businesses that work with clients. I hope this episode encourages you wherever you\\u2019re at right now and pushes you towards taking action in your business to create a business you LOVE.\\xa0


Links mentioned in this episode:

- Get the full show notes at https://elizabethmccravy.com/180\\xa0

- Check out Booked Out Designer at https://elizabethmccravy.com/BOD\\xa0

- Get my FREE resource, The Designer\\u2019s Guide to Mastering Discovery Calls, at https://elizabethmccravy.com/discovery

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
