163: Quit Wasting Time: 7 Strategies to Protect Your Calendar and Schedule Meetings Like a Pro

Published: May 24, 2022, 11 a.m.


If you know me, you know I love a good calendar and productivity conversation, and that\\u2019s exactly what we\\u2019re doing today! I\\u2019m sharing strategies to help you protect your time, schedule meetings with more efficiency, and think strategically about your calendar and meetings. Whether it\\u2019s an in-person meeting, a zoom video call or a phone call, they all take time, energy, and effort. AND, meetings take away from the much needed deep work we do in our businesses. Meetings are a necessary part of running our businesses though, so let\\u2019s make it WORK for us instead of being something that slows us down.\\xa0


I\\u2019ve had weeks in my business where I\\u2019ve let meetings slow me down and ruin my productivity because there are too many of them or they are poorly spaced out simply because I wasn\\u2019t protecting my calendar. So, these are my favorite meeting and calendar management tips from my calendar to yours! Enjoy!\\xa0

Links mentioned in the episode:


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