162: VIRAL ON INSTAGRAM: 4.4 Million Plays Later! What Ive Learned From My Viral Baby Reel

Published: May 3, 2022, 11 a.m.


In April, I posted a (very cute) video of my baby doing what appears to be a little baby workout, and\\u2026 it went viral! 3.2 million views at the time I\\u2019m recording this, and probably more as you are hearing the episode. It\\u2019s had 171k+ likes, 1,532 comments, 125k+ shares, and over 10k saves. (And growing\\u2026 I\\u2019ll add updates to these shownotes as I have them!)\\xa0


So today, we\\u2019re taking a casual look at this reel. I\\u2019m sharing what I think helped it \\u201cgo viral\\u201d, lessons learned from this process, what I\\u2019d do differently next time, and some random things that have come of this video (like more followers and rude trolls). If you\\u2019re interested in growing with Reels, I think you\\u2019ll enjoy this conversation a lot. I\\u2019m learning alongside you! I love social media marketing strategy, but I\\u2019m honestly NOT a \\u201cReels expert\\u201d. I\\u2019m sharing my experience, but with plenty of tips throughout!\\xa0


Links mentioned in the episode:


*UPDATES:* Since recording this episode, the video has passed 4.4 million plays and the new version I made (with new text on video and new caption) has not really taken off, which is interesting to observe. I\\u2019ve also been asked to sell the licensing rights to the video by multiple companies, which I\\u2019ve been exploring, but will probably say no to.\\xa0


I hope you enjoy this episode, and I\\u2019d love to continue the conversation over on Instagram! Find me @elizabethmccravy.\\xa0

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