160: Powerful Productivity and Time Management Secrets for the Busy Working Mom (from Some Amazing Entrepreneurial Women)

Published: April 12, 2022, 11 a.m.


Ready to hear 9 different perspectives on productivity and time management as a working mom? This episode is sure to inspire you and give you ideas in your own journey as a working mama!\\xa0


I asked some business friends to share with myself and you all, how their productivity changed when becoming a mom. Once I started back to work from my maternity leave (episode #157, #158, #139), I realized that so much of the productivity stuff we are taught doesn\\u2019t work so well when you\\u2019re juggling a baby too! My hours instantly became more limited, I was running on less sleep, and figuring out what to focus on first with my limited time and foggy brain became much harder. Now, I know not every stage isn\\u2019t like the newborn phase of motherhood, but regardless\\u2026 It changes things about how you work.\\xa0


These mamas are here to speak to that! In this episode you\\u2019ll be hearing from these women: Stephanie King, Kate Rosenow, Dawn Patton, Stacey Swan, Becky Hoschek, Abby Powell, Devonnae Williams, and Octavia Elease. And fun thing, Stacey and Abby are both on my core team in my business. And, Dawn is my accountant and Becky is our coach inside of Booked Out Designer! So, you\\u2019re getting to hear a little from Team EM on this one! :)\\xa0


You\\u2019ll hear topics like morning routines, our relationship with God, scheduling strategies, \\u201cwork life balance\\u201d stress, exercising as a mom, outsourcing things around your house, working during naptime, block scheduling tips, working part time in your business, routines, and so much more! We\\u2019ve got moms who homeschool, moms whose kids are in school all day. We\\u2019ve got moms of babies under 1, to toddlers, and all the way to the teen years and even adulthood. We\\u2019ve got a twin mama, a grandmother, and so many situations in all these stages of motherhood! ENJOY!\\xa0

Links mentioned in this episode:

- Want to connect with these awesome women? You can get links to their websites and info on how you can connect with them here: http://elizabethmccravy.com/160\\xa0

- Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0

- Find out ways to work with me: https://elizabethmccravy.com/ways-to-work-together\\xa0

- Interested in the Full Focus Planner Stephanie mentions? I use that planner too! Linking it here: https://elizabethmccravy.com/full-focus\\xa0

- For more motherhood episodes, scroll back to episodes #139, #148, #158, and #159!\\xa0


I love the advice here. It has blessed me, and I hope it blesses you as well. If you loved this episode, please consider leaving a rating and review or sharing with a fellow mama who this would encourage! Thanks for being here!

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