159: Multiple 5-Figure Months with Part-Time Work Hours HOW?!

Published: March 29, 2022, 11 a.m.


As the title of this episode says, and as I\\u2019ve talked about a few times recently on this podcast, I work part time hours in my business (typically 15-25 in a week right now), and my business brings in multiple five-figures each month in profits. I don\\u2019t think my business hours will be this way forever. However, as a new mama, I WANT to work less to have more time with my son. And, at least right now, my husband and I don\\u2019t have outside help for childcare. So, that\\u2019s the info, and I\\u2019m sharing the HOW. Specifically, 5 ways I\\u2019ve built my business to work this way, and how you can work towards this too. I\\u2019m getting super practical as to HOW I\\u2019m doing this exactly (like how it works to have a business that earns well and not be working myself into the ground everyday to make it happen).\\xa0


Maybe you only have part-time hours to work in your business because you\\u2019re a stay at home mom or maybe you work another part-time job, or maybe this episode caught your eye simply because you\\u2019d like to work less! Whatever the reason, I think these tips (and seeing how I\\u2019m doing things) will help you build a successful business working the amount that you desire for this season of your life. (Again, seasons change and each SEASON of business brings new and different things!) I hope these 5 things I\\u2019m sharing encourage you and get your mind spinning with ideas for growing your business!\\xa0


Psst\\u2026 I am also sharing a little sneak peek into a new course I\\u2019m working on. You\\u2019re hearing it here first \\u2014\\xa0literally! I\\u2019m not going to share about this anywhere else for now, so tune in to hear about it and to hear how you can join the waitlist + take a survey to tell me what you want to learn on this topic.\\xa0


Links mentioned in the episode:

- Get the full show notes for this episode here: https://elizabethmccravy.com/159\\xa0

- Episode #129 on scalable business models https://elizabethmccravy.com/129\\xa0


Are we connected on Instagram? I\\u2019d love to hear what you think of this episode and anything else you\\u2019d love to hear covered on the podcast! https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0


And as always, please share this episode with a friend who you think would benefit! Thanks for being here!\\xa0

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