158: What My 5-ish Month Maternity Leave from My Business Was Really Like (the day in, day out life on maternity leave, emotional rollercoasters, and changing desires as a new mama!)

Published: March 15, 2022, noon

b'Last week we talked about early motherhood from a postpartum life perspective, now let\\u2019s talk about those early days from a BUSINESS perspective. I\\u2019m sharing all the nitty gritty details of my 5 month maternity leave. (It was about 5 \\xbd months total - including the time before Colin was actually born, which we\\u2019ll get into in this episode!)\\xa0


On episode #139 (What I Did To Prepare For A 2 \\xbd Month Maternity Leave As An Online Business Owner), I told you all about how I planned a maternity leave from my business! Well, now maternity leave is over, and Colin is 6 months old!\\xa0


I\\u2019ll be sharing\\u2026

- What taking so much time away from my business was like

- The hilariousness of the early days of my maternity leave while waiting on Colin to be born\\xa0

- The experience of working a little bit but not \\u201ca lot\\u201d (because you never really \\u201cstop\\u201d as a business owner)

- 3 ways I\\u2019ve built a business that allows for this much time away while still thriving\\xa0

- How did all my planning actually play out in real life

- How much I worked/didn\\u2019t work\\xa0

- What it was like executing a Black Friday sale while on leave (and what I\\u2019d do differently next time)\\xa0

- How my desires for my work life changed when becoming a mom\\xa0

- My team members review of the leave\\xa0

- Plus, plenty of random tips for you throughout!\\xa0


This is in no way a COMPLETE picture of my maternity leave. I wish I could share every important detail, but the truth is\\u2026 I forget a lot of things and this outline is already 10 pages as it is. I hope you\\u2019ll enjoy this casual and very real episode. And, I pray it helps you in some way as you plan time away from your business, whatever that looks like for you!\\xa0


Links mentioned in the episode:

- Get the full show notes for this episode here: https://elizabethmccravy.com/158\\xa0

- Episode #139 - Details on planning my maternity leave: https://elizabethmccravy.com/139\\xa0

- Episode #158 - All about my postpartum journey: https://elizabethmccravy.com/157\\xa0

- Episode #148 - Colin\\u2019s Birth Story: https://elizabethmccravy.com/colins-birth-story/\\xa0


Are we connected on Instagram? I\\u2019d love to hear what you think of this episode and anything else you\\u2019d love to hear covered on the podcast!

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