156: Has Your Instagram Story Reach Totally Tanked? Try These 8 Hacks to Increase Your Views and Engagement Right Now!

Published: Feb. 22, 2022, 1:01 p.m.

b'I know I\\u2019m not alone in this, but this winter, my Instagram story views totally tanked for a bit. As in less than 1% of my followers were seeing my stories. Things felt so quiet that I could hear the crickets!\\xa0 It was frustrating, confusing, and made me feel very unmotivated to share. Instead of sulking about it and being mad at Instagram, I considered: Is what I\\u2019m posting just not engaging? And then also, what strategies can I try to fix this?!\\xa0 \\xa0

So, I did some things differently. I tried all sorts of things, and I want to share with you today what worked! So if your story views aren\\u2019t where you\\u2019d like them to be, this episode is for you. Also worth noting: the majority of these tips are based on my personal experience with the app so not necessarily any hard \\u201cresearch\\u201d or things heard directly from Instagram. It\\u2019s just what I\\u2019ve WATCHED work. I hope these will help you like they did me!\\xa0


To get the full show notes head to https://elizabethmccravy.com/156\\xa0

Come engage with me on Instagram and tell me what you think of this episode: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0

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