134: Real Estate Biz Q&A - Part 1: How We Got Started in Investing, Buying in a Sellers Market, Working with Your Spouse, Picking the Right Property, and AirBnbs vs Long Term Rentals

Published: Sept. 7, 2021, 11 a.m.


Today starts our 3 week series on real estate investing \\u2013\\xa0get excited because within the next 3 episodes there is over 2 hours worth of really tactical advice for you on the topic of real estate. WOOHOO. I\\u2019ve been anticipating recording these episodes since the end of 2020 when we first got started with all of this and when I first started asking you guys what questions you had. Now here we are!\\xa0


On today\\u2019s episode, you\\u2019ll hear myself and my husband Adam answering questions you sent in on Instagram about real estate investing! If you haven\\u2019t met Adam on the podcast previously, he\\u2019s the best. He\\u2019s been a guest on my podcast a few times over the years \\u2014\\xa0some to talk about personal finance in an early episode and to talk about our \\u201cwe\\u2019re pregnant\\u201d announcement as well!\\xa0


You\\u2019ll hear me say this on the episode, but we aren\\u2019t \\u201creal estate experts\\u201d and certainly don\\u2019t pretend to be! We are regular people like you who decided to invest in real estate. I am all about more people who aren\\u2019t \\u201cexperts\\u201d teaching what they\\u2019ve found works for them. (Often we feel unqualified to do that, and I don\\u2019t think we should!) So, know that is where we are coming from. For context, we live in Nashville, we own 3 rental properties all in different parts of Middle Tennessee.\\xa0


In each of these 3 episodes, we\\u2019re tackling completely different types of questions. So, be sure to listen to all 3 episodes for the \\u201cfull scoop\\u201d. Here\\u2019s some of what we\\u2019re answering today:\\xa0

- I\\u2019d love to just know more on what got y\\u2019all interested and whether you were nervous buying during a sellers market?\\xa0

- Tips for going into business with your spouse?\\xa0

- I\\u2019m curious if you have already purchased a house for yourself to live in? I\\u2019m currently renting a house but I want to buy a rental property this year! It feels weird to buy my first house that I wouldn\\u2019t live in, does that sound silly? \\U0001f923

- I would love to know if you bought these properties while having a mortgage on your current home and if so did you find that that was a complication! I\\u2019m also super curious if you saved to be able to buy these out right or if you chose to take mortgages on these two properties! Basically, I want all the money details \\U0001f602\\U0001f44f\\U0001f3fb\\xa0

- Are you buying them ready to go or doing work to them?

- Biggest question I\\u2019m dying to know is whether you actually purchased these properties. I\\u2019ve heard about people getting into Airbnb etc by leasing places! I think it\\u2019s so fascinating!!\\xa0

- I\\u2019d love to know how you decided between Airbnb/long term rentals, and how you (or Adam) knew it was the one to offer one? \\u263a\\ufe0f

\\u2026 and some other stuff as well!\\xa0

There\\u2019s a lot about personal finance in general throughout these 3 episodes, so even if real estate doesn\\u2019t sound like a way you\\u2019d like to invest, I still think you\\u2019ll learn sooo much from this series! And, if you\\u2019re seeing this title thinking \\u201cI don\\u2019t have money to do that, I\\u2019ll pass.\\u201d... seriously tune in because there is so much for you here even if you\\u2019re in that boat! Whether you\\u2019re doing real estate now or wondering how you can grow your wealth in the future, you\\u2019ll take away a lot.\\xa0


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