133: 4 Simple Steps to Take Your Business from Scattered to Streamlined with Kate Rosenow [RECAST]

Published: Aug. 31, 2021, 11 a.m.


This interview with Kate Rosenow from Work Well with Kate is sure to leave you motivated and way more productive by the end of the episode than you were at the start. This episode originally aired in October of 2020, and it\\u2019s been a top episode on the podcast since. Whether you missed this when it originally aired OR if you need a refresher, it\\u2019s time to listen up!\\xa0


Kate helps business owners streamline their work to be more profitable & less busy, and I have to tell you, I am obsessed with this interview you\\u2019re about to hear! Kate and I are like 2 peas in a pod, as we both are pretty \\u201csystems-obsessed\\u201d people.\\xa0 Kate is walking you through 4 ways to streamline and simplify your business. As the CEO, you need to focus on the work that only you can do. I always love the phrase \\u201cwhat got you here won\\u2019t get you there\\u201d, and that\\u2019s so true when it comes to scaling a business. You can\\u2019t do everything yourself forever.\\xa0


You\\u2019ll hear Kate share her journey of growing her first business, Mavenly & Co., to a very successful business. All the while, she was working 12+ hour days, neglecting her health and relationships, and ultimately ended up in the hospital from burnout and stress. She learned so much from that experience and took that knowledge into her next business and learned how to run a business that didn\\u2019t burn her out.\\xa0


We talk alot about time management, and I ask Kate to tell me what\\u2019s on her calendar today and for the week! Hearing her talk about planning her time, setting boundaries, and the obstacles that come up was so interesting. I loved hearing her perspective on time-blocking.\\xa0


Kate also shares some strategies for how she\\u2019s able to work just 4 hour days AND have a 6-figure/year business. You\\u2019ll love her thoughts on this. I hope this conversation inspires you and motivates you to create meaningful systems in your business!\\xa0

Get the full show notes and all the links mentioned in this episode at http://elizabethmccravy.com/89

Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/

Connect with Kate on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/workwellwithkate/

Shop Elizabeth\\u2019s website templates: http://elizabethmccravy.com/shop

Visit Kate on her website: https://workwellwithkate.com/

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