128: Running a Successful Online Business as a New Mama with Callie Ammons (Maternity Leaves, Child Care, Self Talk, Lessons Learned and More!)

Published: July 27, 2021, 11 a.m.


Chatting with Callie is always so much fun, and this conversation is no exception! She\\u2019s been on the podcast back on episode #49. And, I\\u2019ve been a guest on her podcast, Living Enneagram, on episode #63 and #134 (linked below!). Callie is an enneagram coach, podcaster, YouTuber, wife, and new mama! We recorded this episode when she was about 3 months postpartum. So, she\\u2019s in the trenches. These aren\\u2019t tips from years ago from what she can remember, but the real stuff she\\u2019s doing NOW.\\xa0


Whether you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or a new mama yourself, there\\u2019s something for you here. Or, if you are going through another big life transition (like moving, getting married, transitioning jobs, starting your business, etc), I think there\\u2019s so much for you to apply to non-baby related situations as well. Plus, so much of the baby stuff also just applies to BUSINESS, which you\\u2019ll hear us say a couple of times!\\xa0


Some topics we\\u2019ll cover:

- What Callie\\u2019s experience was like managing a full business schedule while growing a baby

- How she planned her business to prepare for a baby on the way

- Different things she did to mentally prepare for birth and postpartum

- Tips for actually sleeping as a new parent

- How to financially prepare your business for time off

- The steps she took to hire a nanny\\xa0

- What day to day looks like now as a new mama\\xa0

\\u2026 and so much more!\\xa0


Seriously\\u2026\\xa0 I say this in the episode, but I will be re-listening to this one when it airs. It\\u2019s good, it\\u2019s refreshing, and encouraging! So, volume up and get excited!\\xa0


Get the full shownotes with all linked mentioned at https://elizabethmccravy.com/128\\xa0

Connect with Elizabeth on her website at http://elizabethmccravy.com/\\xa0

Connect with Callie on her website at http://callieammons.com/\\xa0

Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0

Connect with Callie on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/callieammons/\\xa0


Hear Elizabeth on Callie\\u2019s podcast, Living Enneagram, on episode #63 and #134! Listen on Apple Podcasts here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
