121: 7 Amazing WordPress Plugins You Need For Your Showit Blog (All for $0!)

Published: June 8, 2021, 11 a.m.


One of my favorite \\u201cShowit features\\u201d is that it integrates with WordPress for blogging. Which confuses the heck out of people sometimes, but when you get it, you get it\\u2026 And it\\u2019s magical.\\xa0 People love WordPress for a reason. It\\u2019s very \\u201cpowerful\\u201d meaning there\\u2019s A LOT you can do with it, especially thanks to things like plugins. (Which absolutely work with Showit too!)\\xa0


Basically a plugin is outside code (kind of like an app) that adds new functionality to your website by \\u201cplugging it into\\u201d what you already have. I\\u2019m kinda obsessed with plugins, not in an overdoing it kind of way (as that can slow your website), but more like a \\u201cthere\\u2019s so much cool stuff you can do with these\\u201d way.\\xa0


In this episode, I\\u2019m sharing 7 WordPress plugins that work amazing with your Showit blog. Instad of focusing on the basics that we all know about, like JetPack or various spam protectors, I\\u2019m sharing some more obscure plugins that you may have never heard of or thought about using before.\\xa0


Some quick plugin notes:

  • There is a free version of all the plugins shared, and some have a paid option as well. I currently have the free version of ALL of these!\\xa0\\xa0
  • The majority of these require you to have the higher tier \\u201cadvanced blog subscription\\u201d with Showit. However, what is available on the \\u201cbasic blog\\u201d subscription can change, so I recommend consulting Showit\\u2019s resources to see what\\u2019s available to you at the time you\\u2019re listening.\\xa0
  • The compatibility of these with Showit could change in the future, so defer to Showit\\u2019s support for what works!\\xa0
  • You can try Showit out for a month absolutely free, no strings attached with my link: https://elizabethmccravy.com/showit-coupon-code\\xa0

Links mentioned in this episode:

- Shop website templates: https://elizabethmccravy.com/showit-website-templates/\\xa0

- Shop Profit Sheet: https://elizabethmccravy.com/profit-sheet\\xa0

- Get the shownotes for this episode: https://elizabethmccravy.com/121\\xa0

- See info on plugins for Showit\\u2019s basic blog subscription: https://learn.showit.co/en/articles/1131457-showit-basic-blog-subscription\\xa0

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
