116: How I Prepare for a Purposeful and Productive Week Ahead Every Sunday

Published: May 4, 2021, 11 a.m.


One thing I have learned from all of you listeners is that you love productivity hacks, systems, and insider scoops on what I'm doing to be more productive and purposeful with my time. So that\\u2019s exactly what I\\u2019ve got for you today in this short, sweet, and honestly\\u2026 very productive episode! I\\u2019m walking you through some simple things \\u2014 both personal life and business things that I do every Sunday to help me prepare for a productive, purposeful, and peaceful (to add another P word) week ahead! This episode isn\\u2019t just for business owners, so if you work a 9 to 5, are a stay at home mom or a student, you totally can gain something here too!\\xa0


I hope this episode blesses you and helps you feel more in control of your time and ready to ROCK when Monday comes around!\\xa0


To get the full shownotes for this episode head to http://elizabethmccravy.com/116\\xa0

I\\u2019d love to connect with you on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0


To hear my calendar planning episode referenced, head back to episode #97 of this podcast! You will LOVE IT.\\xa0

To check out Instacart visit http://elizabethmccravy.com/instacart\\xa0

To check out the Full Focus Store and get $10 off, visit http://elizabethmccravy.com/full-focus\\xa0

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