110: Should You Beta Test Your Course? (How I Had a Successful Beta Launch that Sold Out in an HOUR!)

Published: March 23, 2021, 11 a.m.


Let\\u2019s talk about beta testing an offer \\u2014\\xa0what that means, pros and cons, and why I didn\\u2019t want to do it, but did\\u2026\\xa0 and how it was the best decision I could have made for my business.\\xa0


If you missed it, I launched my new course for designers, Booked Out Designer, at the end of February. It sold out within an hour and a half. And filled half way within 10 minutes! Like WHAT?! This was a beta launch\\u2026 and one that was absolutely not on my agenda. I wanted to make the course, then sell it \\u2014\\xa0in that exact order.\\xa0


If you launch anything in your business ever or are working on creating a new offer right now\\u2026 you\\u2019ll want to tune in here! I think there\\u2019s a lot you can learn from my experience!\\xa0

This episode is super conversational and jam packed with tips for launching and creating new offers, and I\\u2019m so excited to share what I\\u2019ve been learning with you!\\xa0


Some takeaways you\\u2019ll get from this episode:

- What even is beta launching? How does it work?

- The 3 main reasons I was AGAINST beta launching this offer\\xa0

- How I reframed that mindset with help from a mentor and friend

- What my original plan was with the course creation process and why it wasn\\u2019t working for me (a.k.a. I was very stuck)\\xa0

- How the beta launch went and how working on the course content has been since\\xa0

- 5 reasons you should consider a beta launch (from a girl who said she\\u2019d never do it)\\xa0


Episode #77 (not #40 like I say in the audio) of this podcast was my FIRST \\u201ccourse creation\\u201d update episode. It\\u2019s been a while since I shared any updates\\u2026 because\\u2026 I was very stuck. If you want to go back to get a full picture of this journey, definitely head back to episode #77 after this one!\\xa0


To get the full show notes head to https://elizabethmccravy.com/110\\xa0

I\\u2019d love to connect with you on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0

If you\\u2019re interested in joining Booked Out Designer (launching again THIS YEAR), join the waitlist here:\\xa0 https://elizabethmccravy.com/waitlist\\xa0\\xa0

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
