106: Designer Q&A: 20 Questions About Building a Successful, Booked Out Design Business - Part Two!

Published: Feb. 23, 2021, noon


Let\\u2019s play 20 questions \\u2014\\xa0design business style\\u2026 again! This is PART TWO of 20 questions for all my designer friends!\\xa0


\\xa0In my waitlist survey for my new program Booked Out Designer, there was a spot to \\u201cask me anything\\u201d, and the waitlist designers sent some amazing questions in. I have had about 100 people fill out this survey so far, and the questions are definitely influencing what goes into the course, but in addition to that\\u2026 I want to tackle some of them right now on the podcast.\\xa0


Designers, you\\u2019ll definitely want to listen to this episode! For those of you who aren\\u2019t designers (still LOVE you!), you\\u2019ll also enjoy this for tons of tips about running a service based business.\\xa0


Some questions we\\u2019ll cover\\u2026\\xa0

- What would you tell your younger business owner self that you wish you knew now?

- What were the top 3 things that helped you reach 6 figures?

- Do you create your own copy for your website and instagram?

- How do you stay so motivated?\\xa0

- Why do you choose Showit over other website platforms?\\xa0

And so much more\\u2026 again\\u2026 there are 10 fabulous questions!\\xa0




In this episode, you\\u2019ll hear me talk about how my Booked Out Designer beta launch sold out basically immediately! Well, that was a while ago now! An update for you: The beta launch is over, the course is finished being created, and I\\u2019ve actually had over 100 students go through the program. If what I\\u2019m talking about in this episode is catching your attention as things you want to learn more about, then you\\u2019ve GOT to check out Booked Out Designer. (If you love this podcast, I think you\\u2019ll super love this course!)\\xa0 Booked out designer will help you build a thriving, money-making design business that keeps you booked out, not burnt out. There are 90+ video lessons covering everything from things like pricing your services and delivering an incredible client experience to marketing yourself confidently on Instagram and eliminating awkward discovery calls. You\\u2019ll also have access to group coaching calls with me, and you\\u2019ll be part of our incredible facebook community to ask questions in. Want to see what students are saying and get info on how to join? The details are all here: https://elizabethmccravy.com/booked-out-designer I hope to see you inside of our community soon! Have questions? Email hello@elizabethmccravy.com.\\xa0


Links mentioned in this episode:\\xa0

Get the full show notes for this episode at http://elizabethmccravy.com/106\\xa0

Connect on Instagram at https://www.insta

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
