105: Designer Q&A: 20 Questions About Building a Successful, Booked Out Design Business - Part One!

Published: Feb. 16, 2021, noon


Let\\u2019s play 20 questions \\u2014\\xa0design business style! In my waitlist survey for my new program Booked Out Designer, there was a spot to \\u201cask me anything\\u201d, and the waitlist designers sent some amazing questions in. I have had about 100 people fill out this survey so far, and the questions are definitely influencing what goes into the course, but in addition to that\\u2026 I want to tackle some of them right now on the podcast.\\xa0


Designers, you\\u2019ll definitely want to listen to this episode! For those of you who aren\\u2019t designers (still LOVE you!), you\\u2019ll also enjoy this for tons of tips about running a service based business. We\\u2019re talking about things like the story of starting my business, tips for going full time, what to focus on early on in your business, what my workflow was like with clients when I first started, and so much more.\\xa0




An update for ya: Booked Out Designer is actually LIVE now, and you can join today! In this course, I\\u2019m pulling back the curtains on the secrets and skills I\\u2019ve used to create a six-figure design business working with dream clients and staying in demand as a designer. Whether you\\u2019re a designer who is just getting started or someone who\\u2019s been designing for a while, if you\\u2019re ready to take the business side of things to the next level \\u2013 this program is for you. We\\u2019re talking about finding your niche, pricing your services, marketing your design services, mastering the discovery call, business finances, contracts and so much more. Plus, you\\u2019ll get to see my complete client experience including real footage of me working on projects, on calls with my clients, and all kinds of behind-the-scenes access.\\xa0


Want to see it for yourself first? You can sample 2 full-length lessons from Booked Out Designer absolutely free (no credit card required). Head to https://elizabethmccravy.com/sample to get your sample! Ready to learn more? Check out: https://elizabethmccravy.com/booked-out-designer I hope to see you inside of our community soon! Email hello@elizabethmccravy.com with any questions!\\xa0

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
