090: A Chat With My Amazing Husband, Adam, about Marriage, Our Relationship Story, and More!

Published: Oct. 27, 2020, 11 a.m.


Well, I have a treat for you all today! I\\u2019m chatting with my wonderful husband, Adam McCravy, to answer some fun questions that you guys sent in (and some we came up with ourselves)!\\xa0


We talk about so much in this episode, but here are a few highlights:\\xa0

- Hear the story of how we met and started dating\\xa0

- Adam shares TONS of quirks/facts about me that you wouldn\\u2019t know from listening to this podcast (Seriously, I laugh and get embarrassed! He caught me off guard with these, haha!)\\xa0

- We talk about how to work out together as a couple\\xa0

- We share some very funny childhood stories\\xa0

- We share who does what around the house\\xa0

- We share what careers we would do if not what we do now\\xa0

- Adam shares about what he\\u2019s doing for work right now

- and so much more!\\xa0


I hope you enjoy this fun, casual \\u201cget to know us\\u201d chat and meeting my husband, Adam!\\xa0


Links mentioned in this episode:\\xa0

- Adam was on episode #9 of this podcast previously. We talk about personal finances, money and marriage! Scroll back to tune into that one!\\xa0

- We mention my \\u201cweek in the life\\u201d episode that is super fun! Scroll back to episode #84 to tune in\\xa0

- Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/ (If you have other ideas you\\u2019d like to hear us share about, let me know!)\\xa0

- Visit Elizabeth\\u2019s website: http://elizabethmccravy.com/\\xa0

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