088: BONUS - Stop Using Apps Like Venmo to Avoid Fees When Accepting Money in Your Business

Published: Oct. 16, 2020, 11 a.m.


If you have wondered \\u201cHow can I accept money in my business, BUT avoid processing fees?\\u201d This blog post and podcast are for you! I\\u2019m diving into the question of payment processors. Which payment processor should I use? Is there one that won\\u2019t give me transaction fees? Can\\u2019t I just use Venmo or Stripe instead? This is kinda a soapbox of mine, and if you\\u2019ve been listening to the podcast for a while you\\u2019ve heard me talk about this in other episodes.\\xa0


I think it\\u2019s such an important topic and one that I WISH someone would have told me when I was a new business owner. You see\\u2026 I made this mistake, and have some stories to tell from it! And, I want you to learn from my early business owner mistakes!\\xa0\\xa0


Here is the question we are tackling today:\\xa0 \\u201cDoes anyone have a good recommendation to get around not paying fees for receiving money? I know it's the cost of doing business and is more convenient for clients, but I hate the fees! Thanks!\\u201d


Wondering my answer? Tune in! And, please share this episode with the fellow business owners in your life who need to hear this advice. So many new business owners are on this struggle bus, and this short episode is here to help you out!


Get all the links and resources mentioned in this episode in the blog post at elizabethmccravy.com/88\\xa0

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