074: How to Write Personality-Packed Copy That Entertains AND Sells With Brittany McBean

Published: July 14, 2020, 11 a.m.


Today we\\u2019re talking about copywriting, but not just any ole copy \\u2014\\xa0copy that is personality-packed, entertaining, and ultimately makes the sale. I\\u2019m chatting with my friend and copywriting expert, Brittany McBean about 8 specific tactics you can use to improve your copywriting. These tips apply to your whole website, your sales pages, and even your email marketing. You guys know I LOVE copywriting, I love helping you create more sales through your words, your designs, and everything in between, and this episode has so many tactical ways to do EXACTLY THAT.\\xa0


What You\\u2019ll Learn:

- How to include sensory details in your copywriting

- The best way to talk about yourself in your copywriting

- How to use market research to get a jumpstart on your copy\\xa0

- How to use the 5 emotions to invoke deep feelings in the reader

- What reading level you should be writing at and how to double-check yourself

- How to create your very own \\u201ccopy vault\\u201d\\xa0

\\u2026 and so much more!\\xa0


Our lovely guest today, Brittany McBean, is a conversion copywriter and marketing strategist who helps online educators and creatives stand out with crystal clear messaging and a laser-focused strategy\\u2014writing the words that get you seen by the right people so you can make a maximum impact and income.\\xa0


To get the full show notes and links mentioned for this episode, head to https://elizabethmccravy.com/74\\xa0


Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/

Connect with Brittany on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/brittanylmcbean/


This month, we\\u2019re doing a weekly business book giveaway! To enter just leave a review on Apple Podcasts. (Seriously that\\u2019s it.) And, if you\\u2019re already reviewed, share about the podcast to your Instagram stories! We are randomly selecting one winner each week of July! Leave a rating and review to enter!

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
