069: How to Turn Your Pinterest Traffic Into Paying Clients

Published: June 9, 2020, 11 a.m.


Pinterest impressions and repins are great and all, but is it really worth the time and energy if no one is clicking over to your website and taking action? Today Vanessa Kynes is teaching us how to leverage our Pinterest traffic to actually get people to book our services or buy our products once they land on our website. And don\\u2019t worry, if getting Pinterest traffic to start with feels like a challenge, we talk plenty about Pinterest strategies to get you started!\\xa0


It\\u2019s typically easy to understand why we should use something like Instagram or Facebook in our businesses, but many businesses are still ignoring Pinterest. Would you believe me if I told you that in the last 30 days, Pinterest accounted for 72% of all my \\u201csocial\\u201d traffic to my website? Yep, I got more traffic from Pinterest than I do from Facebook or Instagram. And, people who come to my website from Pinterest are buying, are filling out the contact form, and are booking me. It\\u2019s time you made Pinterest work for you, too! Vanessa is going to get you started on the how.\\xa0


Here are some questions you\\u2019ll get answered from this interview:

  • How can I turn my Pinterest traffic into paying clients?
  • What keywords are right for my industry? How do I discover my keywords?\\xa0
  • Should I use hashtags on Pinterest?
  • What makes for a powerful pin image?\\xa0
  • How do you the pin description and title differ from the image?\\xa0
  • How do I optimize my Pinterest bio and profile?\\xa0
  • How are Pinterest and Google Search connected and mutually beneficial?
  • What Pinterest analytics should I pay attention to?\\xa0


  • \\u2026 and so much more!\\xa0


Get a $15 credit towards your Tailwind subscription: https://elizabethmccravy.com/tailwind\\xa0

To get all of the links mentioned in this episode head to this blog post: https://elizabethmccravy.com/69\\xa0

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