054: How to Deal With a Difficult or Angry Client

Published: Feb. 25, 2020, noon


Today we are talking about a sensitive topic \\u2014\\xa0difficult clients! What do you do when you\\u2019re dealing with a difficult client right now? Maybe they are angry? Maybe you are angry? And, you\\u2019re just defeated. If you\\u2019re struggling with the next steps and how to find a resolution, this episode is for you. I have been there, and in this episode, I\\u2019m going to teach you 10 specific (and practical) tips on how to deal with a difficult client situation.\\xa0


If you\\u2019ve come here feeling defeated and ready to throw in the towel, then I want to tell you first EVERYTHING will be ok. You\\u2019ve got this. This isn\\u2019t the end of the world, and I\\u2019m here to help you through it! Maybe your situation is a really dramatic situation with lawsuits, refunds, and angry text messages. Or, maybe it\\u2019s more tamed, like the client being unsatisfied and frustrating you. There are many levels to a \\u201cdifficult experience\\u201d, but no matter where you are you can manage this. And, this episode is full of advice to help you do just that.\\xa0


What You\\u2019ll Learn:

  • The first step towards resolution when things are heated or painful with a client
  • How you can lead your client right now and set boundaries for your working relationship\\xa0
  • 3 steps for conflict resolution and making things right\\xa0
  • Why you need to avoid confrontationally emailing and texting at all costs
  • How to know when a refund is necessary\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0
  • How to make sure you learn from this experience and apply what you\\u2019ve learned to future projects\\xa0
  • A journaling exercise to work through any anger and pain\\xa0
  • How having grace changes everything\\xa0


And, stay tuned next week for PART TWO of this difficult client situation series! Next week, we\\u2019ll be chatting about how to prevent difficult client situations.\\xa0

Get the full show notes for this episode at https://elizabethmccravy.com/54\\xa0

Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram: https://instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0



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