049: Self Care, Boundaries, Burnout, and Living Intentionally as an Entrepreneur with Callie Ammons

Published: Jan. 21, 2020, noon


You\\u2019re in for a treat with Callie Ammons on this episode! Callie is an enneagram life coach for women, podcaster, writer, and speaker. Callie uses the enneagram to help her clients understand their God-given gifts and step into the abundant life that was carved out for them. Callie loves Jesus and is seriously just a LIGHT to learn from. She is wise beyond her years and has so much to teach us in this podcast.\\xa0


On this episode, we are focusing on self-care based on your Enneagram type and specifically self-care for ambitious women! We discuss setting boundaries, how to avoid burnout, knowing your why, and how to simply live with intention.\\xa0


What You\\u2019ll Walk Away With:

  • Practical self-care ideas for your specific enneagram type\\xa0
  • How you can avoid burnout as a business owner\\xa0
  • How to set boundaries around time-consuming activities like social media\\xa0
  • Advice for fellow life coaches on building your coaching business\\xa0
  • Straight up JOY and motivation to get going today\\xa0

Links Mentioned in This Episode:

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
