046: How to Plan Your Entire Week on a Digital Calendar

Published: Dec. 31, 2019, noon


An entire week on a calendar? Yep, you read that title right! I schedule out everything I\\u2019m doing in a week, both personal and business, on my calendar, hour by hour for every weekday. And, I\\u2019m going to teach you how to do it too.\\xa0


This has been such a highly requested episode after the many times I\\u2019ve showed you guys my calendar on Instagram stories. And you\\u2019re like \\u201cWhat the heck is this magic?!\\u201d Well, I\\u2019m sharing all the magic here! I\\u2019m covering how I take a handwritten to-do list and put each item into my calendar every week. This allows me to make decisions in advance, and therefore minimize how many small decisions I have to make in a day.\\xa0


This process will help you increase productivity in the new year. So, if you\\u2019re ready to stop wasting so much time and start actually accomplish your big goals, let\\u2019s dive in! This episode has the power to really change things for you, PLUS give you the encouragement you need to really go after your goals.\\xa0


What You\\u2019ll Learn:

- How your scheduling looks today versus how it could look for 2020

- How I get so much done in so little time working\\xa0

- The exact process for scheduling your week in your calendar\\xa0

- An example from my day where I read you my calendar

- How to leave margin for yourself when planning

- How to overcome your excuses ahead of time to get what you really want\\xa0


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

- Get the full show notes: http://elizabethmccravy.com/46\\xa0

- Visit Elizabeth\\u2019s website: http://elizabethmccravy.com/

- Connect with me on Instagram: http://instagram.com/elizabethmccravy

- Watch The Life Coach School Masterclass on this topic: https://thelifecoachschool.com/throw-away-your-to-do-list/\\xa0\\xa0

(Want to skip the intro and head straight to the step by step? Go to 14:00 minutes on the episode!)


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