042: How to Bring Your Faith into Your Business with Jena Viviano

Published: Nov. 19, 2019, noon


Today I have my dear friend Jena Viviano on the show to talk about our faith and our businesses.\\xa0


We\\u2019re covering things like \\u2014 How do we share our faith in our business? Should we at all? How do we truly invite God into our business as Christians?\\xa0 We talk through 5 rhythms you can adopt to help you incorporate your faith and your work beautifully.\\xa0


Jena is a Wall Streeter turned tech start-up junkie. She\\u2019s a talented career coach and entrepreneur who helps mid-to-senior level ambitious professionals land their dream jobs. She\\u2019s also a dear friend and past website and branding client of mine! She loves to talk about the topic of Christianity in the workplace \\u2014 which we are focusing on today.\\xa0


This is such a beautiful conversation with a sweet friend, and I\\u2019m so pumped to have her as my first official guest on the show! (Besides my sweet husband who came on earlier this year!) Sit in on our conversation about faith and work \\u2014 this is the real stuff that we talk about as friends and we want you to sit in on the conversation! This is an important conversation if you\\u2019re a person of faith, and I\\u2019m so excited to share it with you!\\xa0

Links mentioned in this episode:\\xa0

- Jena\\u2019s Word at Work Devotional\\xa0

- The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson

- Fervent by Priscilla Schier\\xa0

- How to Get a Date Worth Keeping by Dr. Henry Cloud

- The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss


Click here for the full show notes to get even more from this episode!\\xa0

Visit Jena\\u2019s website here!

Visit Elizabeth's website here!

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
