026: Why Your Stuff Isnt Selling: Learn How to Speak to Your Customers Pain Points

Published: Aug. 13, 2019, 10 a.m.


I understand how it feels to be ignored in this noisy world. It\\u2019s a challenge to speak in a way that gets the attention of your dream clients. You have this great product or service, but you\\u2019re getting beat out by people who are able to communicate about their offer better.\\xa0


Whether you\\u2019re a coach, photographer, realtor, designer, you name it\\u2026 If you\\u2019re asking the question, \\u201cHow on earth do I stand out?!\\u201d then I have a solution for you! It all starts with knowing what the customer wants and what their problem is, then positioning yourself as the person that will solve that problem. In this episode, we go very deep into marketing tactics and the minds of our ideal customers.\\xa0


Do you know what problem you are solving for customers? Can you sum it up in a couple sentences and in a way that is compelling to them? Often times we really understand our product or service. We know every in and out of what we do. BUT, we don\\u2019t fully know what problems we are solving on a deeper level. People don\\u2019t want your service, they want their problems solved. They want a transformation.\\xa0


In this episode, I\\u2019m teaching:

- How to speak to your customer\\u2019s pain points in your marketing

- How to discover what pain points you\\u2019re solving for customers\\xa0

- What to do if you feel like you aren\\u2019t actually \\u201csolving a problem\\u201d

- The 2 things you need to know in order to successfully sell your product/service\\xa0

- How to use empathy and authority in your marketing\\xa0

- What to do if you feel sleazy for actually focusing on your marketing\\xa0

Remember: A great message is NOT when your ideal client understands you, it\\u2019s when your ideal client feels understood BY YOU.


Get the full blog post and show notes for this episode here: https://elizabethmccravy.com/26

Download the freebie that goes with this episode here: https://elizabethmccravy.com/26download\\xa0


Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
