023: Morning Journal Prompts to Start Your Day With Intention

Published: July 23, 2019, 10 a.m.


Do you like to journal? Or, maybe you hate it? No matter where you land, I think you\\u2019ll enjoy these journaling prompts I\\u2019m sharing today. I start out (almost) every day by answering these 10 questions in my journal. Some of them I made up, some I got from mentors in my life, and all of them have been refined over time to be the best possible list of questions.\\xa0


These are the questions that work for me, and today I\\u2019m sharing them with you so you can develop your own fast and easy morning\\xa0 journaling routine! Starting my day with this questions changes my mood and helps me to not let the day happen \\u201cto me\\u201d, but instead be completely in charge of my day, my emotions, and my schedule.\\xa0


I try to journal every day as part of my morning routine, but I definitely miss PLENTY of days and am far from perfect at this. When I do start my day with pen to paper using these journal prompts, I feel focused, I calm my anxieties about any stressors in the day, and I feel gratitude.


The questions are short, simple, and easy. Doing this only takes up one page in my tiny journal every morning, but has a huge impact on my emotional health and focus. So, if you\\u2019re thinking \\u201c10 questions\\u2026 I don\\u2019t have time for 10 questions!!\\u201d \\u2014 you can make this work. I promise! So, tune in now to get the 10 questions that are going to totally transform your day!\\xa0


Episode Highlights:

- A little bit about my morning routine

- My favorite question to ask myself that allows me to be really TANGIBLE with my goals\\xa0

- How to practice gratitude first thing in the morning\\xa0

- How to think ahead so that you control your day versus your day happening to you

- How to come up with a daily affirmation and why this matters\\xa0

Get the free download with a printable of these 10 questions here: http://elizabethmccravy.com/23download

Use this freebie to print out the questions and keep them in your journal for the easiest possible use!\\xa0


Get the show notes for this episode: http://elizabethmccravy.com/23download\\xa0


Follow along on Instagram: http://instagram.com/elizabethmccravy/\\xa0


Visit the main website: http://elizabethmccravy.com/\\xa0


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