018: How to Automate and Systematize Your Service-Based Business

Published: June 18, 2019, 10 a.m.


Are you ready to work smarter not harder and give your clients an exceptional and consistent experience? Then, oh boy, do I have the tools and tips for you!


In \\xa0this episode, I\\u2019m sharing 5 ways I automate and systematize my graphic design business, and exactly how you can do it too.


This episode is brought to you by my friends at Dubsado. You guys have probably heard me talk about Dubsado like a thousand times on social media, my blog, and already plenty on this podcast. I talk about it so much because IT WORKS. The 1:1 design work side of my business is run on Dubsado. Wondering what Dubsado is? It\\u2019s a CRM meaning \\u201ccustomer relationship management\\u201d system and they help you run your business with less running.


I use Dubsado to do things like automate emails to my clients and potential clients, send contracts and invoices, create proposals, send questionnaires, manage my project calendar and SO MUCH MORE. I am so grateful that a friend introduced me to Dubsado years ago because it changed the way I run my business and allowed me to SCALE in a way I wouldn\\u2019t have been able to otherwise.


I want you to try out Dubsado and see for yourself. So, we\\u2019ve got a special offer for you! Head to elizabethmccravy.com/dubsado or use the code ELIZABETH30 at checkout to get 30% off your first month or year of Dubsado. You\\u2019ll also receive a free trial where you can try out Dubsado with up to 3 projects for absolutely FREE. You\\u2019ve got nothing to lose! Click here to try it out for yourself!


Episode Highlights:

- How automation and systems help you create a BETTER experience for your clients

- The exact system and automation I use for when a new client reaches out to me

- How automated emails will set you apart from the crowd

- How to be quick and effective when sending over details after a potential client call

- How rocky my lead follow up process was before Dubsado (#embarrassing)

- How I automate payment reminders to clients so I can focus on doing the work and not collecting the money

- How email templates will help you write something really well ONCE and then reuse the best of the best responses

- What you need to do to start making email templates for your business today

- Feedback from my actual clients on how systems make for a better client experience

- Details on how to save big on Dubsado and try it out for free


Links Mentioned in This Episode:

- \\xa0Get 30% off Dubsado + a free trial with the code \\u201cELIZABETH30\\u201d

- \\xa0See the contact

Take the Website Personality Quiz at https://elizabethmccravy.com/quiz to get your FREE Canva templates, 10% off of your website template, a free month of Showit, and a full brand profile for your business!  
