014. How to Use Instagram to GROW Your Business When You Have Fewer Than 1,000 Followers

Published: May 21, 2019, 10 a.m.


Instagram strategy is different at every follower level. What works for someone with 100,000 followers won\\u2019t necessarily work the same for someone with 1,000 followers. In this episode, I\\u2019m sharing Instagram strategy for the business owners who are NEWER to the follower game \\u2014 with less than 1,000 followers, specifically. If that\\u2019s not you, no worries! You\\u2019ll still be able to glean a lot from this episode all about Instagram strategy!


I\\u2019m talking specifically about how to do things that will lead to book clients and make sales on Instagram, not just gain a following for the heck of it. I want you to have a following that CONVERTS. And by converts, I mean not just a pretty number, but people that are actually buying from you. I don't have a ton of IG followers, but Instagram still a huge lead generator for my business. With solid strategy, you can book clients on IG at any follower level. I\\u2019m going to teach you how!


Links Mentioned in Episode:

- Get my FREE No Fuss Instagram Planning Guide

- Try out Planoly to plan your Instagram content

- Follow along with Elizabeth on Instagram

- Get the show notes for this episode

- Visit Elizabeth\\u2019s website


Episode Highlights:

- What to do when you feel \\u201cstupid\\u201d because no one is watching your stories or responding to anything you share

- How to create the perfect call to action for your posts

- Super solid Instagram story tips to help you create better content

- A super incredible tip for responding to DMs from my friend Maghon at All She Wrote Notes

- Why it will hurt your sales when you choose not to write people back

- How to create a mix of selling and giving on your Instagram account

- Ideas for what to share on Instagram stories and on posts

- The tool I use to plan my Instagram content

- How to make a lasting connection with your audience on Instagram

- Tips for optimizing your Instagram stories effectiveness without the \\u201cswipe up\\u201d feature

- How to book clients through hashtags

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