002. 7 Ways Im Breaking up With My Phone in 2019

Published: Feb. 28, 2019, 1:46 a.m.


If you\\u2019re anything like me, then you may feel like you\\u2019re on your phone WAY too much. You\\u2019re scrolling Instagram, refreshing your feed, checking all of your Facebook groups, and reading emails that you have no intention of responding to in that moment. And it\\u2019s draining!


At the end of 2018, I realized my phone was taking too much of my time, and that more importantly, I wasn\\u2019t even enjoying the time it was taking. If this sounds familiar to you, then this episode is for you because I\\u2019ve got some solutions to share!


In this episode, I share 7 strategies I\\u2019m using to be on my phone less this year. These strategies are specific and easy to implement.


Episode Highlights:

- 7 ways I\\u2019m using my phone less and being in the moment more

- The spot in our house where my husband and I rarely bring our phones anymore

- Why you\\u2019re working more hours than you need to simply because of distractions

- How putting my phone away has changed my morning routine

- My top morning routine tools!

- Embarrassing stories about major phone fails and what I learned from them


Links Mentioned in this Episode:

Amazon Alarm Clock I use

Toggl - the timer I use to track how much I am actually working

One Year Bible: The Bible I\\u2019m using to read the Bible through this year

My Favorite Quiet Time Journal

Get 2 weeks of premium FREE on my all time favorite meditation app


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