Episode 9: School’s Out Forever: How Will Parents Navigate the School Year Ahead?

Published: Aug. 3, 2020, 4 a.m.

In the U.S., they want children under the age of 18 back in schools. Teachers think this is a bad idea. Universities even think this is a bad idea. If more people are remote and these physical school locations close down for good, how will parents go back to work while their kids are at home? How will 40% of school-age children, who depend on school food, get fed? We’re looking at a huge disruption happening with our education system and the impacts are going to be multigenerational.
Key Takeaways
Teachers will be coming back in the fall… or will they? Alice Cooper wanted to burn the whole building down.
Trip is passionate about the subject. Teachers are coming back? It’s going to be a disaster. We’re not prepared for it.
What’s the ROI on education, really?
There are predictions happening that due to the remote model, a ton of middle to lower-end schools are going to be out of business.
On Larry’s end, universities are making a call to not have his kids come back. It’s going to be all virtual for the fall semester.
Why are people talking about bringing K-12 back when universities are saying it’s not safe?
School is the worst childcare you can possibly imagine.
We look at just the weather, hurricanes, snowstorms, etc, they are incredibly disruptive to the economy and to school. Imagine that on a national scale. The impacts of children unable to attend school are generational.
Anna was homeschooled, Larry homeschooled all three of his children. It’s new territory
for parents today, but familiar territory for both of them. What are they seeing?
The most valuable thing Larry did was find a support network that supported homeschool education.
The biggest problem right now is parents have been thrust in this world and they’re trying to figure out how to homeschool overnight. It’s hard, even when you’ve prepped for it.
Trip is very fortunate to have a wife that is at home with the kids. All three of his children are dyslexic and his youngest needs extra care. However, growing up, his single mom didn’t have that luxury.
There are essential workers being asked to go back to work. What happens to the kids if they’re not in school?
40% of the school-age population is eligible for Title 1, which is free and reduced school lunch, because families are struggling.
It’s important to note how schools are incentivized. The schools that Larry was familiar with, they were given federal/state funding based on attendance.
Can we use federal and state funding to better support the parents? Is this possible?
What’s the solution?
Teachers are frustrated. Cramping 20-50 kids in a classroom just isn’t the way to good, quality education.
Teachers have less access to tools to make virtual learning easy.
Children are plague rats and a perfect breeding ground for viruses.
Overwhelmed parents with children under the age of 12 — what can they do?
Keep your kids reading. There’s good screen time and bad screen time. There is such a thing as remote tutoring.
Don’t wait for the schools to be ready. They’re not going to be.
Do you have adult figures in your life that can help you?
Child prodigies are out there. They’re everywhere in fact, but they’ve been stuck in a school learning from a textbook instead of being able to implement what they’re learning in real-time.
What is school, really? Is it really used for learning or is it used to pass a state exam?
If you’re a teacher or a school district. Reach out. We can help.
The knowledge economy starts in a classroom.
Thebraveworkforce.com (http://thebraveworkforce.com/)
Bravenewcompanies.com (http://bravenewcompanies.com/)
Scott Galloway (https://www.businessinsider.com/scott-galloway-colleges-must-cut-costs-to-survive-covid-2020-7)

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