Episode 7: Remote Company Perks: What You Should Be Asking for Now That You’re Home

Published: July 23, 2020, 7 a.m.

Tech companies spend thousands of dollars on their campuses for fun perks that employees can enjoy, whether that be a surprise trip to the water park or the latest gaming system in the lobby. However, how much of these are actually ‘perks’ to the employee? What should companies be doing to attract top tier talent now that no one is working on-site? Trip, Larry, and Anna dive in and discuss.
Key Takeaways
Over-the-top perks at these tech companies are used to attract top talent.
Now that companies are remote, how can they attract and retain the best talent without all these extra on-site perks?
Benefits are important, especially to Americans who need healthcare. More than 50% of candidates said they considered the perks and benefits offered when considering a new job.
Families are making critical decisions between taking on a lesser-paying job for better benefits and health insurance vs. taking on a higher-paying job with fewer benefits. Remote work can even the playing field.
The perk culture has gotten out of control.
Now that everyone is at home, perks will have to change.
What kind of benefits/perks will entice someone when they’re working remotely? Anna shares her thoughts.
People are valuing more of their time and they want to have the ability to choose what’s important to them.
Some of these big companies have a sense of ownership on an employee’s entire life, not just their work life. One of the big invisible perks of remote work is that employees can get some of this freedom back into their life.
There’s been a lot more talk about the minimalist movement — do certain items spark joy for you, etc., in recent years because people are becoming more conscious of what they want in their life. More ‘stuff’ isn’t helping people feel happy.
If we’re talking about taking all the extra crap out of our personal life, it only makes sense that people are going to start shifting this mindset to their work life, too.
Larry knows of several people who are afraid to take vacation time. Not because they don’t want to, but because they know there’s no one to back them up or take over their work when they’re gone. Larry didn’t take a vacation for eight years because of this!
You have these perks, but you don’t even have the ability to exercise them or take advantage of them.
You’re not really working when you’re home. The data doesn’t support this. People are working from home and they’re working more than ever.
Larry believes we’ll see a shift in perks that are more deeply meaningful to people.
What is the most valuable thing we can give people? Their time.
The point of perks is to make people’s lives easier so that they’re more productive.
How much do these fancy perks actually cost companies?
Google is spending ridiculous $$$ on perks. Trip breaks down the numbers.
Okay, staying at home forever sounds great, but what about the extroverts who love the office?
What do you do if you simply can’t work at home because there are just too many distractions?
How can employees talk to management about taking advantage of some of these remote perks? Anna, Larry, and Trip weigh in on their thoughts and how to best approach it.

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