Episode 40: Getting Clearance to Speak: Companies Won’t Let You Say What You Want

Published: April 15, 2021, 7 a.m.

Larry and Trip discuss their experiences working for corporate America when it came to getting the clearance they needed to speak on stage and why they had to be very, very careful about what they said, even after they’ve left the company. These companies are very powerful and you have to be careful because they have the resources to blackball you from the industry. It seems more and more companies are trying to stifle employees’ expression; even when it’s outside of the standard working hours. What can we do?
Key Takeaways
No supervision this week! Anna is out of the office!
This week, we’re talking about breaking the law…
People in tech want a union! Companies are penalizing the people for doing this.
It’s a tricky balance. Larry shares what he learned from his media training when he was at Yahoo.
Employees at Google want to do more public speaking but because of Google’s policies, they’re unable to do so.
When Trip worked for Amazon, he had to get approval before he could do a talk. He shares how he was able to manage that.
Companies are afraid employees will say something that they shouldn’t at one of these talks.
There are so many benefits to having an employee talk on stage. At eBay, it was one of the best ways to attract new talent.
You want to retain talent? Hiding them from the public eye is not going to get you there.
Trip remembers a time where Microsoft just owned everything he did.
When you’re a designer, you’re only as good as your portfolio.
Every company wants to see a designer’s portfolio, yet these same companies also don't want their portfolio shared. It’s a catch-22.
Google employees get fired for showing Google their own biases. Lawsuit incoming?
The worst hacks happen when you get a disgruntled employee.
There are laws in place to protect whistleblowers. Don’t forget that.
Trip has personally experienced getting pushed out of a company for saying the unpopular thing.
These companies are incredibly powerful. They can blackball you and make sure you never work again.
You have to be so, so careful with what you talk about.
Larry shares his thoughts about unions.
Big companies might look sexy, but you might want to take a step back and think about what it might actually mean for you and your career.
The opportunities are charging. People are getting offers from international companies.
Trip is one of them! He started a new position and it’s international! He just got back from playing lacrosse with his son. He never could have done that at an onsite company.
Why would you hire someone you don’t trust?
For employees, go somewhere where you will grow.
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