Episode 4: Busting Remote Work Myths: Productivity, Innovation, and Culture. Oh my!

Published: July 2, 2020, noon

There are some negative things coming out in the news about remote work. Do they have some merit or are they coming from a place of inexperience? Larry, Trip, and Anna have been working remotely for a long time and they’ve seen the true reality of what remote work can do for an organization, both good and bad. They share some of the negative counterpoints that have been said about remote work and offer advice on how leaders, and other people, can best adapt to this new environment.
Key Takeaways
The negative connotations about remote work. Invested interest or valid points?
Remote work isn’t new, but it’s become a larger issue because we’re all now forced to work remotely.
Does remote work stifle innovation and creativity?
Are remote employees not as respected as their peers in the office?
Trip argues the technicalities and the word definition of ‘remote.’
We are having Zoom fatigue and that’s because our meeting culture is broken.
Companies that are successful in being a remote company will be the ones who are innovating within their culture.
Remote work is a completely different animal. You have to adapt to a new medium instead of trying to fit a physical model (what you used to know) into a digital model.
You can build a culture to make everyone working for you accountable for their work.
You, as a leader, don’t want to be so critical that your team can accomplish nothing without you.
It’s easier in a physical setting to have things slip through the cracks or people forget important to-dos after a meeting. In a remote setting, there is often a paper trail and it’s harder for people to take a back seat to the team.
A recent study came out that there was an eight-percent jump in people violating ethical standards when shifting to a remote model. What’s going on here?
Poor behavior will improve dramatically when everyone knows you can’t get away with harassment and bullying anymore.
At Amazon, Trip experienced a very collaborative environment where leadership empowered their teams to act.
Are people not being as productive at home vs. the office?
Leaders and executives will be asking how they can help create boundaries for their staff so that they can have a better work/life balance.
Anna knows the struggles of balancing work and life. She has to be conscious of when life is going too far to the right or too far to the left on the work/life scale.
Trip has worked with teams in India. It’s hard. Shifting your life by 11 hours is tough, especially when you do need to communicate.
Larry has also had to manage and talk to teams in different time zones. He shares how he best navigated this.
Anna shares her experience on how you can use time zones to your advantage.
Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Remote work has to be a cultural change within your company.
How can you empower your people to be more independent in their work?
For leaders, how can they become more adaptable and flexible so they’re not out of a job in six months?
Either you and your leadership adapt or a company that’s more flexible will take over. Remote work isn’t going to go away. This pandemic might not end as soon as you think.
Remote work doesn’t have to be completely black and white. You have the control to design a life you want. You no longer need a company to design it for you. Remote work allows you to choose what you value.
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