Episode 39: Desmond Chan — Making Your Financial Transactions Safer

Published: April 8, 2021, 7 a.m.

Desmond Chan is the Vice President of Product Management at Zumigo Inc, where he is responsible for building a frictionless experience for users who want a better way of securing their accounts and transactions. Payments are still a pain point for a lot of us in the digital age as well as keeping our identity safe. As our data keeps getting stolen by companies who may practice reckless security measures, Desmond shares what he’s doing to build a safer way we can pay and transact online in this week’s episode.
Key Takeaways
Larry has a fantastic radio voice happening this week. Wow!
What’s happening in the world of deep fakes?
Trip does a quick recap on what an NFT is.
A little bit about Desmond and what he does for Zumigo!
Why use social security when we can use your phone number instead?
Larry wasn’t aware of how easy it is to get your phone hacked.
Trip keeps getting calls from the Chinese embassy.
Anna knows the struggle is real. She has a U.S. number and no institution will recognize it because she’s outside of the U.S.
Receiving international payments is the biggest problem we have today.
Anna is passionate about this. Receiving payments just doesn’t work in Costa Rica.
What kind of challenges does Desmond face when it comes to working with different cell phone providers?
We’ve all been hacked. Our information is part of the dark web.
Desmond experienced a problem where he couldn’t turn off access within his payment system. It was a nightmare.
For example, Venmo was very proud that users could publicly announce what they were spending money on. It was a default feature, but it seems very invasive to announce to the whole world you bought XYZ.
You don’t have a lot of control over how other people are using your data.
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Bravenewcompanies.com (http://bravenewcompanies.com/)
Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
Follow Larry on Twitter: @Cornett (https://twitter.com/cornett)
Zumigo.com (https://zumigo.com/)
Desmond on LinkedIn (LinkedIn)
Special Guest: Desmond Chan.

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