Episode 38: Emon Motamedi — Pay for College Without Loans

Published: March 25, 2021, 7 a.m.

Emon Motamedi is the Founder of Florian, a community of alumni helping new students pay for school without loans and provide them with personalized mentoring to help them get ahead in their careers. Florian does more than provide student-friendly funding for tuition, they have a network of experts rooting for their students. Emon explains a bit more about what Florian does and how they're different from other competitors in the space.
Key Takeaways
Why did Emon leave Reddit to start his company, Florian?
Emon shares what Florian does and how it helps students pay for school without going into massive debt.
Florian is different compared to other student loan providers because they are tied to the outcome of the student.
How much future earnings does an alumnus pay to Florian investors?
So many students end up graduating from university and they don’t even know how to interview for a job. Florian closes that gap by providing critical mentoring skills to help students succeed after school.
How does Emon vet the students and know that they will work towards graduating with their intended degree they’re helping sponsor?
If a student wants to get out of this agreement, how can they do that?
What kinds of loans is Florian competing against in this space?
These students have a head start to get into a great career and improve their career earnings for the long haul.
As Larry’s a parent of college-aged students, he sees a direct need for this kind of service.
The sky’s the limit on the types of career paths these students can choose from.
Emon has a community of over 200 volunteers helping mentor students.
As Florian continues to grow, Emon is really excited about the future of the career development arm within his company and finding unique ways to improve this process to better help the students.
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Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
Follow Larry on Twitter: @Cornett (https://twitter.com/cornett)
Connect with Emon: Joinflorian.com (https://www.joinflorian.com/) & LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/emotamedi/)
Special Guest: Emon Motamedi.

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