Episode 37: What The Heck Are NFTs? Artists and Creatives No Longer Have a Gatekeeper.

Published: March 18, 2021, 7 a.m.

Talk is cheap, creativity is cheap, and tech is cheap. So, when everything can be replicated, copied, and shared seamlessly throughout different platforms, what’s the true value of a product? There’s a new commodity coming onto the scene where it’s bringing the concept of scarcity back into the fold, and that’s NFTs. Anna, Larry, and Trip sit down to try to understand what the heck this new thing is all about.
Key Takeaways
Your co-hosts are now on video! What!
Podcasting is such a hustle. It’s hard.
There’s nothing that can’t be pirated these days. Doesn’t that put a lot of people out of work?
With the rise of automation, what happens to the people when we reach a point where the economy will be just fine without a significant portion of the population working?
People say the pandemic broke the old-school way of working. Technically no, we broke it first with the invention of the internet.
What’s the deal with NFTs (Non-Fungible Token)?
Blockchain has introduced the concept of scarcity in a digital world where anything can be copied and replicated for free.
How are musicians making their money now? By touring and selling merch.
On the NFT platform, an artist just made $4 million in sales in 9 minutes.
Trip doesn’t get it. Why would you want to buy digital art?
Here’s why companies should be scared. Artists don’t need a gatekeeper anymore.
The famous entrepreneur Gary V is excited about NFTs. Here’s why.
How do people behave in a digital world vs. the real world?
VC firms are betting on the future of sports players. If they win, they get a percentage of their contract earnings.
NFTs are an interesting space that all three co-hosts are interested to see where it goes.
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Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
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