Episode 36: Just Meditate More? No. Burnout is Real and It’s Happening at All Levels.

Published: March 11, 2021, 10 p.m.

Wow. How is everyone feeling lately? Things just seem to be a bit more sluggish than they were a year ago. Your three special co-hosts discuss what’s going on and how we can step up and take better care of ourselves, our families, and even our team at work. Today’s topic is mental health and burnout!
Key Takeaways
Your co-hosts are distracted today!
Trip takes over on Anna’s lead-in… It’s been a year since lockdown.
It’s been a terrible year for all of us, and it’s getting long.
How are you doing? Like really?
Trip has been incredibly overworked and is struggling with insomnia.
Anna is struggling with her mental health. It’s tough!
She’s going crazy. The positive is that she is using her new-found madness to write more creative stuff.
Larry says Anna isn’t alone. People are feeling worse than ever.
Trip decided to show up slightly differently at work today. He wanted to focus on how everyone was really doing.
How can people be healthier with all of this isolation going on?
People are feeling isolated, so what they end up doing is throw more meetings on the calendar to try and feel more connected. It’s a bad cycle.
How is Anna adapting as a solopreneur in isolation?
Although Larry is leaning into social media, Trip has decided to stay away from social media.
Nobody is our best selves right now. The entire society is having a terrible time.
Trip understands we need to connect more as a team, but he doesn’t want to have “mandatory fun” at the office, either.
The people you’d meet at the bar or while you’re doing your daily walk, these “acquaintances/strangers” are no longer there in your life, and people still need that familiarity.
Women are leaving the workforce in droves.
Why are women leaving the workforce?
Work will take all of your time and never say sorry.
Larry talks about the importance of asynchronous work.
How do you prevent roadblocks from happening when you need to collaborate?
People need to set better boundaries.
Trip is putting his foot down with his team. No more invisible work!
It was a different time back then. It was common/expected to take business calls when your wife was in the delivery room. Trip had to do it.
We need to revisit how we do work because people are burning out.
We’re having a crisis in innovation.
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