Episode 35: Rebecca Weaver — HR That Supports Employees Instead of Protecting Companies

Published: March 4, 2021, 10 p.m.

Rebecca Weaver is the Founder & CEO of HRuprise, a new platform that connects people with HR coaches to help navigate their toughest workplace challenges. In this week’s episode, Rebecca shares what prevents HR from being an effective employee advocate, what’s contributing to the lack of trust in HR, and what does real disruption look like for the new world of HR and work.
Key Takeaways
What’s missing in the HR conversations?
When there’s a problem, HR is not your friend. As someone in HR, Rebecca agreed.
What do you do when you see someone being harassed? How can you be an ally without being thrown under the bus?
Rebecca shares a little bit about what HRuprise is all about.
There is a huge mistrust in HR. Seventy percent of employees don’t trust HR.
We’ve gotten so mixed up in the role of HR.
Anna left a company because she got sexually harassed and no one, especially HR, took her seriously.
A lot of people feel burned by HR.
It’s a huge conflict of interest to expect the same person to investigate descrimination and career development conversations.
Fifty percent of women of color said they planned to leave the workforce in the next two years because of microaggressions that aren’t so “micro.”
When it comes to professional development, companies are so eager to develop their executive leaders (mostly because it’s so expensive), but they do not do the same for their managers and other talent.
There is a big lack of education and communication on how to escalate problems within an organization.
Harassment increased when the pandemic happened. How come?
Women and men get judged differently in their performance reviews, even when they’re both doing the same actions. This is even more so with women of color.
Intent vs. impact of your words. Rebecca shares some examples of how this is different.
It takes a lot of courage to tell someone you’re offended and it takes a really high EQ person to listen to that feedback and adjust accordingly.
Anna says that it never made sense for her to speak out when people were being rude or offensive because she didn’t want it impacting her work.
There are so many reasons to not speak up than there is to speak up.
Need someone in your corner? HRUprise can help.
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Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
HRuprise.com (https://www.hruprise.com/)
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