Episode 32: Terri Rodriguez-Hong — Thinking About Accessibility Challenges in Tech

Published: Feb. 11, 2021, 8 a.m.

Terri Rodriguez-Hong is a Silicon Valley-based product designer and specializes in accessibility. Through her own learning challenges, it’s become Terri’s mission to provide more options for the way we learn/interact with everyday products. In this episode, Terri dives into how we need to be thinking about accessibility and what challenges people face when they’re physically disabled or when our brains are just wired a bit differently.
Key Takeaways
Larry’s missing in action. The audacity.
We have his replacement though, Terri!
How does Terri define “accessibility”?
What is neurodiversity?
People who are autistic, have ADHD, or even those with dyslexia are often ignored when it comes to how they interact with tech.
Brains work differently and there are a lot of hidden disabilities out there.
Terri struggled in a variety of ways when it came to learning new technologies.
Schools are designed to teach in the middle, but what about the guys on either end of the spectrum?
Terri shares her experience with people undermining her because of her different learning methods/techniques.
As anybody that learns differently, you have to constantly educate those around you that you need extra resources/help.
Anna discovered on a recent podcast show that there are people out there who don’t know how to take notes.
Trip admits he doesn’t know how to take notes. Anna has questions.
Trip believes there’s a psychological advantage to his dyslexia.
It is estimated that around 15-20% of the population has dyslexia, but only 8-10% of those get help in school.
Terri knows she’s not a strong writer, so she has used technology to help her adapt.
Terri shares the types of resources she’s dependent on to make sure she can accurately get the job done.
Terri shares some of her pandemic hacks.
Due to Trip’s dyslexia, he has a hard time with passwords.
We are not adapting our education to the individual’s unique learning style.
Thebraveworkforce.com (http://thebraveworkforce.com/)
Bravenewcompanies.com (http://bravenewcompanies.com/)
Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
Terrirodriguezhong.com (https://www.terrirodriguezhong.com/) Special Guest: Terri Rodriguez-Hong.

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