Episode 30: Jennifer Lachs — Ups and Downs of Being a Digital Nomad and Other Musings From a Seasoned Nomad.

Published: Jan. 28, 2021, 8 a.m.

Jennifer Lachs is the Owner of Digital Nomad Girls, a platform she started over five years ago when there weren’t a lot of resources for women who were interested in traveling the world and making a location-independent living. Jenny shares an important lesson about happiness-chasing and how switching from your nine-to-five job for that exotic Bali destination doesn’t cure or fix you. When we are trying to strive for more, more, more, then the question remains, when will it end? Jenny has personally seen more digital nomads getting burned out than ever before. Don’t lose perspective on what’s truly important.
Key Takeaways
Trip finally has his standing desk set up! Success!
Jennifer Lachs is today’s amazing guest! She is the owner of Digital Nomad Girls.
A little bit about Jenny and how she got started on her nomadic journey.
Five years ago, there wasn’t a lot of information out there about working remotely or living abroad.
Making the leap into something new can be intimidating and we might overcomplicate things when the solutions are really quite simple.
In 2020, the barriers have changed. The world has opened up.
Jenny thinks it comes down to how risk-averse people are.
Jenny jokes that making this leap into being a digital nomad was easy because she was always a broke college student. She didn’t expect to make a ton of money, she just wanted to survive and travel.
In the very beginning, Jenny’s goal was just to make $1,000 a month so she could see more of Southeast Asia.
People overestimate how much it actually costs to live abroad.
Because of the pandemic, Jenny and her boyfriend have set up a home base in the UK, and WOW! Talk about expensive!
Money doesn’t always make you free.
Jenny shares what it’s like traveling with her partner of 10 years.
Jenny sees some downfalls when you’re trying to start this digital lifestyle.
Not happy with your nine-to-five? Becoming a nomad might not fix that underlying unhappiness.
How is Jenny’s quality of life different now that she’s in the UK for the foreseeable future?
Sometimes the best moments in life are accidental, not planned, and it causes you to re-think new outcomes.
If you’re looking to leave a job or leave your old life behind, don’t run away from something; run towards something instead.
What is the reality of a typical “digital nomad”? Don’t let Instagram fool you.
Jenny became jaded at certain points in her travels where she was not excited to be in a new country or a new place.
In the United States, there is a huge cultural pressure for achieving wealth, but is that true for other cultures?
Jenny shares how her road to finding what makes her happy took a lot of experimentation.
The message now is you need to make seven figures or eight figures in your online business. Since when has that been the goal?
Working more and more is not the goal. It’s taking a step back and going, okay, what do I want? What are our values? What’s important?
What have been the hardest things to adjust to as a digital nomad?
How does a digital nomad make long-lasting friendships when they’re always on the go?
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Digitalnomadgirls.com (https://digitalnomadgirls.com/)
Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence, by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez (https://yourmoneyoryourlife.com/book/)

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