Episode 28: Techstars Anywhere: The Remote Startup Accelerator Accessible To Anyone, Anywhere — Ryan Kuder

Published: Jan. 14, 2021, 8 a.m.

Ryan Kuder is the Managing Director for Techstars Anywhere, an investment and innovation group that connects entrepreneurs, investors, corporations, and city governments to solve challenges across industries and geographies. Their 13-week virtual and in-person accelerator program opens six times a year and Ryan dives into how they embrace and collaborate with a distributed workforce in this week’s episode.
Key Takeaways
A little bit about Ryan and what he does at Techstars
Techstars was ahead of the curve when it came to cultivating remote talent.
You are missing out on opportunities if you only work in your backyard.
A company needs to find what works best for itself. Sometimes that means having a remote team vs. an on-site team.
When you no longer have to work in an office, the types of relationships we develop will be different, how we interact with our city will also be different.
What types of startups does Ryan look for?
There’s still a lot of value that comes from an in-person interaction, but we can leverage technology to do this without zoom fatigue.
Ryan breaks down how their accelerator program works and how startups can build a work bond while being distributed.
What kind of work/life trends is Ryan seeing currently?
Has Ryan noticed a difference in the people who are thriving in this new world vs. those who aren’t?
What types of characteristics does Ryan look for in their startup founders?
There have been some concerns about how companies are coming in and changing the local culture. Ryan shares his thoughts.
The global economy will change, but to what extent? We don’t know yet.
Great entrepreneurs are able to embrace the unknown, read the environment, and adapt to it.
How does Ryan avoid selection bias in his founders?
What is Ryan’s follow-up process with the founders after the 13-week accelerator program has ended?
Ryan’s advice: Understand your strengths, your weaknesses, and get really, really good at asking for help.
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Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
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Ryan on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryankuder/)
Ryan on Twitter (https://twitter.com/ryankuder?lang=en) Special Guest: Ryan Kuder.

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