Episode 27: The Next Airbnb, But for Home Office Spaces — Founded by Amina Moreau

Published: Jan. 7, 2021, 8 a.m.

Amina Moreau is a powerhouse of productivity. She runs several businesses including a film production company, a storytelling consulting firm, a music licensing company, and most recently Radious, which is like an Airbnb specifically for office space. She is also an avid tennis player and competes in competitions regularly. Amina shares why office space needs to have a fresh look and how her company plans to address the problems modern business people are currently facing.
Key Takeaways
Trip is reporting from a closet. He’s in a new house and his standing desk hasn’t arrived.
Amina loves storytelling, psychology, and ethical persuasion.
Although storytelling follows you wherever you go, no matter the project, Amina is finding a new space to break into and that’s office space.
What’s so exciting about office space?
Airbnb is often a bit overkill for a couple of founders looking to cowork together.
The shared office spaces right now don’t feel very safe.
Radious takes a different approach to office space.
Office space concepts are outdated and do not reflect the times we’re in. Long leases? Nah.
Is Radious competing with Airbnb? And, how are they different from a coworking space?
How does Amina maintain quality in their workstations and spaces with their hosts?
Do hosts have the right to say no to certain businesses?
Amina shares her vision for the future of work and what we can expect in the coming years ahead.
Are you a student that would like to learn about audio production, digital media, and more? Email Anna.
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Email Anna: Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com (mailto:Anna@Thebraveworkforce.com)
Radious.pro (https://aminamoreau.com/)
Amina on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/amina-moreau-78142b72)
Chris Herd on Twitter (https://twitter.com/chris_herd?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) Special Guest: Amina Moreau.

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